6 weeks of Payson

People aren't kidding when they say that time flies. Our little Payson is already 7 weeks old! So much has changed in these seven weeks that I can hardly remember the time before her! I would never trade a moment of it!

We have spent the last few weeks just staring at our little girl. She has lots of funny facial expressions & noises.  Her most common expression is her tongue sticking out. As you can see from the photos below. When she is awake her tongue is out.

She loves to be swaddled up tight, likes a pacifier for just a few minutes, loves to hold our fingers, and LOVES to be cuddled. In the beginning she hated diaper changes because she did not like her clothes taken off. She has adjusted to the world now and doesn't seem to mind it so much. It was wonderful to go to Kansas and be with our family for the first three weeks.

It has also been wonderful to be back in our California home and have just our little family. Although there have been many nights I have wished my mom was not so far because of the colic crying, but we are making it threw thanks to evening car rides! 

We have spent lots of time snuggling our little family of three + the dog & soaking up this amazing time together.

One Month New

Wow how time flies! I know I have not updated in almost 2 MONTHS! I could have never imaged everything that has happened in these two wonderful months. I went from patiently waiting, to impatiently waiting, to impatiently waiting 50 hours in labor! Yes! You heard correct 50 hours!! Whooaa! is right. Labor ended in c-section and everyone made it out healthy. I have been blessed with a wonderful baby girl! I am proud to welcome Payson Marie Herring! here is some information on our amazing little one! More updates and photos coming soon! 

© Raising Three & Me .