Edible Play

I love getting outside, getting messy and letting her discover. Today we finger painted with yogurt. Vanilla yogurt + food coloring = hours of yummy fun. I used a gel food coloring and it did not stain the skin. This activity is going in the books for another day. Definitely toddler and mommy approved. 

Payson turns ONE

We had some much fun celebrating Payson's first birthday with tons of gold glitter! I had a blast planning and creating decorations for her party! 

 Payson enjoyed her first taste of cake! She was so dainty with her cake eating and never really smashed or made a big mess. 

Happy Grandparents! Thank you both for opening your home for Payson's birthday party and being such big parts of this special day! 

Happy First Birthday Payson! You are loved by so many. Please slow down just a bit and be my tiny baby forever! Mommy and Daddy love you and are excited for many more birthdays to come! 
© Raising Three & Me .